Git Cheat Sheet
Essential Git commands for cloning, branching, committing, pushing, and syncing code.
Setup & Configuration
git config --global "Your Name" # Set your username
git config --global "" # Set your email
git config --global core.editor "code --wait" # Set VS Code as the default editor
git config --global init.defaultBranch main # Default branch to 'main'
Starting a Project
git init # Initialize a new repo in the current folder
git clone <repo-url> # Clone an existing repo
Working with Branches
git branch # List branches
git branch <branch-name> # Create a new branch
git checkout <branch-name> # Switch to a branch
git checkout -b <branch-name> # Create and switch to a new branch
git branch -d <branch-name> # Delete a local branch
Staging & Committing
git status # Check modified files
git add <file> # Stage a specific file
git add . # Stage all changes
git commit -m "Commit message" # Commit staged files with a message
git commit --amend # Edit the last commit message
Updating & Syncing
git pull origin main # Pull the latest changes from main
git fetch origin # Fetch latest changes without merging
git merge main # Merge main into the current branch
git rebase main # Rebase current branch onto main
Pushing Changes
git push origin <branch-name> # Push local branch to remote
git push -u origin <branch-name> # Push and set the upstream branch
Undoing Changes
git checkout – <file> # Discard changes in a file
git reset HEAD <file> # Unstage a file
git reset --soft HEAD~1 # Undo last commit (keep changes staged)
git reset --hard HEAD~1 # Undo last commit (discard changes)
git revert HEAD # Create a new commit to undo the last one
Working with Remote
git remote -v # List remote repositories
git remote add origin <url> # Add a remote repository
git remote remove origin # Remove remote
git push origin --delete <branch> # Delete a remote branch
Stashing Changes
git stash # Stash uncommitted changes
git stash list # Show stash history
git stash apply # Reapply the last stash
git stash drop # Remove last stash
Viewing History & Logs
git log # Show commit history
git log --oneline --graph --all # Show a compact commit history
git diff # Show unstaged changes
git diff --staged # Show staged changes
Tagging a Release
git tag v1.0.0 # Create a tag
git push origin v1.0.0 # Push tag to remote
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